St. Patrick’s Day Skinny Cocktail


With St. Patrick’s Day around the corner, choosing a low calorie drink can be tough. Have no fear because I’ve created a tasty cocktail that won’t leave you bloated and filled with extra empty calories.

Lime & Pomegranate Skinny Cocktail

I picked up this Ginger Beer from Whole Foods and I love it, it’s very light but has a lot of flavor.



  1. 1 Lime
  2. A Handful of pomegranate seeds
  3. 1 Lime Spiked Seltzer
  4. Ginger Beer


  1. Grab a shaker (optional, I like my cocktails shaken sometimes)
  2. Put ice cubes, a handful of pomegranate seeds, and two squeezed lime wedges into the shaker
  3. pour in the spiked seltzer, and a splash of ginger beer into the shaker
  4. Shake as much as you want (the seltzer gets fizzy but I find it brought the flavor out more)
  5. Pour into a glass, garnish with a lime, and serve immediately



What’re some of your favorite skinny cocktails? Let me know in the comments section below.