Tips on How to Survive Black Friday

Hey guysssss! Welcome back to the blog and Happy Thanksgiving! Okay so contrary to popular belief I actually hate Black Friday. The sales are great, however the mentality of some who participate puts me the wrong way. In this post I do not list out all the amazing sales I think you guys should check out, you can find those yourselves with just a simple Google search am I right? I’ll be sharing with you all some tips on how to participate on this crazy day all while still staying sane.

Do Your Research & Make a List

First, do your research on exactly where you want to go and what you want to buy. Find the deals that you think will be best for you and jot those down. Also make a list of all the items you want and stick to that list.

Schedule Your Day

Do not go in without a plan. Don’t say “oh I’ll go shopping around the afternoon hopefully it’ll die down.” NO, DO NOT DO THIS. It will never die down trust me, people are WILD. Plan out when you will leave, how long your travel time will be, when your arrival time is, and your shopping duration time. Make sure you have a hard stop, and stick to the plan

Remember That the Sales Never End

This is a mental health check, do not get sucked up in the mentality of other people. Go in with your plan, your goal, your list and stick to it. There’s always more sales (did someone say Cyber Monday?) yup sales always exist.

So if you guys want to participate on this crazy day, remember my three tips and let me know if these work out for you!