Christmas Mimosas

Happy Thursday Life of Jojo readers! (trying out a new welcome, bear with me guys). As always, its a new month and that means a new cocktail recipe. This has to be one of my favorite cocktail recipes thus far for a few reasons. One being, it literally tastes like Christmas in a champagne flute! It’s super easy and not as sweet as regular mimosas. Also, its a tad stronger because it’s literally like 70 % prosecco and 30% juice (oops) but you all decide how much juice you want to put in. Keeping it short, sweet, and simple so let’s get started!

What you’ll need

  • Prosecco
  • Cranberry juice (I used cranberry juice flavored with lime to mix it up)
  • Fresh cranberries
  • Fresh rosemary
  • Sugar
  • honey
  • A big plate
  • Champagne flute glass


  • Take your plate and squueze some honey on one corner
  • pour some sugar on another corner of the plate
  • Take your champagne flute and coat the rim of the glass with honey
  • Then take your glass and coat the rim with sugar generously
  • Wash off your fresh cranberries and put about 6 or 7 cranberries into the glass
  • Pour prosecco in your glass leaving a little room at the top
  • Pour cranberry juice until the color is a slight red (or as red as you desire)
  • Stir the mimosa with a rosemary stem (to get the rosemary flavor to seep in) and leave it in the glass for a garnish

Now you’re all set to enjoy! Let me know how you liked this recipe in the comments below. Enjoy responsibly!